Absence of Disclosure Costs

Welcome to Caribbean Detective Agency

I-Star is a car tracker that tells where your car is, the route it took to get there and at what speed. I-Star can be used to save lives because parents and loved ones can let the speeding drivers know their life threatening behavior will be noticed.


I-Star Car Tracker Gift Certificate

$192.31 (USD)

Service Options
1 Month Service US $38.46 (EC $100)
3 Months Service US $92.3 (EC $240)
6 Months Service US $161.4 (EC $420)
12 Months Service US $245.38 (EC $638)

See more under the GPS Tracking Tab above

DNA Home Test Kit Gift Certificate

Home kit: $183.67 (EC $499)

Investigative Services: $308 (USD)

Learn more under the DNA Testing Tab
Life experience teaches: “what you don’t know canhurt you”; And people who say otherwise are either inexperienced or misinformed.
  1. Who is the next Bernard Lawrence Madoff or Robert Allen Stanford to be wrongfully accused or not?
  2. Who is the new boyfriend your daughter just brought home? And what is he doing when she is not looking? After all, she is your daughter and it’s your job to protect her.
The Department of Defense, Department of Justice, FBI, ICE, and all of the intelligence agencies routinely conduct polygraph examinations as part of the hiring process. Caribbean Detective Agency (CDA) looks forward to providing such services at your pleasure. A “Class B” Polygraph Machine (Lie detector) is currently available for entertainment purposes. The “Class A” Polygraph machine (court admissible) is pending.

Caribbean people have a lot of questions that go sparsely answered until it is too late. Questions like:
  1. Should you really trust your new business partner?
  2. Is someone stealing from you?
  3. Is your teenager looking for trouble or getting to deep in it?
Well these questions can also be answered with research, surveillance technology and a team that knows how to apply them. Our agents, technicians, consultants, mediators and counselors work only within the laws of a given territory or local jurisdiction.

At CDA we offer the Caribbean just about all the products and services available within the United States and Canada. We can even find out what is happening with a person/s of interest in those countries or else where in the Caribbean. ‘When you need to know CDA is the way to go’
  • What’s New?
    • WED MAR 15
      Caribbean Detective Agency is an Online firm dedicated to providing ethical and responsible services to its clientele. DNA Testing offered Caribbean wide.
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  • Videos

  • Fast forward car strip

  • Regular speed car strip

  • Ask Kate How Accurate is an
    Identigene DNA Paternity Test - YouTube3

  • Cheating Girlfriend Caught By
    Webcam - YouTube2